Descriptive Reflection

Dear Professor Brad,

I am writing this letter to you to introduce myself. My name is Chua Yu Wei and I graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic with a Diploma in Nanotechnology & Materials Science. After my National Service, I took a gap year to work in the engineering industry in the Quality Control sector, and through my work experience, I discovered my passion for working in the industry.

My strength in communication is that I provide a good listening ear for people. By listening well to what others have to say, we would be able to understand each others' point of view. There are times certain topics that are uncomfortable to the person are brought up in a conversation, and I would change the topic to avoid any discomfort.

My weakness in communication is that I find it difficult to speak in front of large crowds. With sufficient practice, speaking to a few people is still manageable, but any more will give me anxiety and make me stutter or blank out and forget what I wanted to say during a presentation.

My first goal for this module is to be able to express myself more confidently to a large group of people. When presenting to a class, I hope I would be able to speak with confidence so that it will help me in the future. My second goal is to enhance my problem-solving skills. I hope that I would be able to look at problems from different perspectives and have different approaches depending on the problem. This would allow me to think of different solutions and find the most effective solution.

What differentiates me from others is that I enjoy drawing. Between breaks and classes, I always draw sketches of whatever inspiration I have to consistently improve my skills. I have applied my drawing skills to different modules by producing high-quality sketches of my prototype which was required by the module.

I hope through this letter, you got to know me better and I look forward to achieving my goals through your guidance.

Yours Sincerely,

Chua Yu Wei


  1. Yu Wei's letter is short and concise, however, I feel like the flow of language could be better. Overall his organization makes the letter easy to read.

  2. After answering the necessary task requirements, I felt like I am able to understand/ learn more about him as a person. He was able to give clear examples to support his statements. However, his flow of writing could be improved a bit more to better reading ease for audience. Overall, I think that this email has been properly written. Good job :)

  3. Thank you, YuWei, for the clear and concise letter. It's interesting to learn about you. I especially impressed by your skill in drawing and hope to have a chance to see your work.

    We will certainly address all the areas mentioned as goals as well as your need to improve your comfort in speaking out more in class.

    Thanks for the effort put in so far.

    Best wishes,


    1. Thank you, Professor Brad! I also wish to learn more in your upcoming lessons!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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