Critical Reflection #2

 Module Learning:

At the start of the module, I set several goals for myself, including improving my critical thinking and reflection skills. Through this course, I have gained a greater understanding of critical thinking and how it applies to everyday life. I have learned how to identify, analyze, and evaluate arguments and how to make well-reasoned decisions based on evidence.

One of the key ways I have developed my critical thinking skills is through the assignments and activities that required me to analyze and evaluate various arguments. I found the use of different tools and techniques, such as Paul Elder’s Critical Thinking Framework, extremely helpful in identifying and evaluating the quality of arguments.

I also improved my critical reflection skills through the various reflective exercises and assignments. I have learned how to reflect on my assumptions and biases and question my beliefs and values. This has helped me become more self-aware and open-minded, which are essential for effective communication and decision-making.

Building on my communication and critical thinking skills, I have learned that these skills are not only important for academic success but also personal and professional growth. Effective communication and critical thinking skills are essential in many aspects of life, from problem-solving to decision-making, and from leadership to teamwork.

To further improve my skills, I plan to continue practicing critical thinking and reflection in my daily life. I will continue to question my assumptions and biases and seek out diverse perspectives to broaden my understanding of different issues. I also plan to seek feedback from others on my communication and critical thinking skills to identify areas where I can improve.

Project Learning:

Prior to this project, I had always found it challenging to deliver presentations confidently and effectively. However, through this project, I learned a lot about myself and others, which has changed my view of learning presentation skills.

One of the most important things I learned was the importance of preparation in delivering effective presentations. In the past, I had often underestimated the amount of preparation required to deliver a good presentation, and as a result, my presentations lacked structure and clarity. However, through this project, I realized that preparation was key to delivering a confident and engaging presentation. I learned to research thoroughly, organize my ideas effectively, and practice my delivery to ensure that I was able to convey my message clearly and concisely.

Another important skill I learned from this course was the ability to engage my audience. In the past, I had often focused on simply delivering my message rather than engaging my audience. However, through this project, I learned to connect with my audience by using effective storytelling and using relatable examples to illustrate my points. I realized that engaging my audience was essential to delivering a successful presentation and that I needed to work on my interpersonal skills to better connect with my audience.

I also learned the importance of managing my nervousness when delivering presentations. In the past, I had often struggled with nerves when speaking in public, which impacted my confidence and delivery. However, through this project, I learned to manage my nervousness through constant preparation. I realized that managing my nerves was essential to delivering a confident and engaging presentation and that I needed to work on my mindset and mental preparation to overcome my nervousness.

All in all, I really learned a lot in this module, and not only will I continue to put what I’ve learned into practice, but I will also improve on what I’m currently lacking.


  1. Thank you, YuWei, for your sharing in this detailed and well articulated reflection.


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